Tuesday, February 26, 2008

HEY FOLKS-We have some improvement. As I told some of you by phone this morning, Randy has opened his eyes a couple of times today. The amount of response we get from him is related to the amount of sedation meds they are giving him at any given moment. When he is at 20 ccs and leveled at 20, he seems to respond with his eyes and at some points he has opened his eyes on a few occasions. Not opened wide, but opened nontheless.

When I went in a few minutes ago, they had just bathed him, and cleaned his trach tube area, so they had increased his sed meds to 34.5, so he was really too groggy to respond. We played this little piggy went to market with his fingers, pinching each finger, and he tried really hard to open his eyes, but still just too sedated, but I can still see response in his eyes. He knew we were there and messing with him! They did drop the sed meds to 20 while I was in there, and by the time I get back up to see him he may be a bit more responsive. His fever has maintaned between 100 and 101 all day. All good signs I would say! I know Randy is aware of our presence and can hear our prayers, and is fighting to get better.

I feel truly blessed.

I love you all!

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