Thursday, February 28, 2008


And Another Glorious Morning to You All!

For those of you that have not heard our TERRIFFIC news from last night, I am so excited to let everyone know that Randy is able to understand what we are saying to him! He will blink twice when he understands, or the answer is yes. He is aware that he is in the hospital. He knows he is very sick but getting better. He understands when we mention the names of all of his loved ones, and knows that you all are praying for him and for a speedy recovery. Thank you all for these prayers, we know God is holding us in his hands and answering our prayers! WOOOO-HOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

He was having a hard time waking up this morning when we went in (He never has been much of a morning person anyway). He is still responding with his eyes, but it is real sluggish, because he acts sleepy.

His fever is up this morning to 102. They keep giving him tylenol, and continue with the antibiotics and steroids. We are all aware that recovery is a slow process, but are THRILLED that he has come this far in just 11 days!

Mom got him a boom box that we can keep beside his bed, so we can keep HIS music playing at all times. I am sure he is getting tired of CMT. There is so little music on that channel anyway. Matt is in the process of burning us some of his music on CD, and I am sure this will help keep him calm.

I love you all!

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