Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Good Morning Everyone!

I was totally shocked this morning when I went in to see Randy. He was SITTING UP in a wheel chair! They have cut his veltilator back to what they call CPAP (don't know yet what that stands for) but it means that he is BREATHING ON HIS OWN! He is totally alert, and comprehending every word. He reached up and shook hands with Kayla, one of our favorite nurses, and I could see the "thank-you" look in his eyes. He even smiled at one point, and the wrinkles around his eyes were absoulutely the best thing I have seen in weeks. I knew at that moment that we were in the midst of a GOD thing, and it was just awesome to witness. The nurse said she would ask the doctor and SEE if MAYBE he might be ready for a private room soon. This process takes several days, due to the many patients, and lack of room availablity. She thinks he may be ready to get on the waiting list for a room, but the doctor may not think so.

At one point, he was able to cross his fingers at me. (This is an inside love story that we share daily, about how he and I are so tightly wound around each other that we cant tell where he ends and I begin) He nods his head yes, and shakes his head for no.
He was up for about an hour, and his arm muscles were trembling from exaustion. Before I left, they got him back over into his bed, and he was sleeping. I know this wore him out, but it was a HUGE step, and I am SO PROUD OF HIM!
After all of this great news, I have a favor to ask. May we all bow our heads in prayer, and thank the Lord for the many, many blessings he has bestowed upon our family. I know how easy it is to ask Him for help, and we all need to remember to thank Him for our blessings!
Love to all,

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